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How to Draw Your Favorite Video Game Characters

 Drawing video game characters does not have to be that difficult and its a lot of fun. Here is what you will need: A good reference image Ruler (for drawing a grid) Pencil (if you have art pencils, even better) Eraser (for cleaning up the grid and lifting highlights) Blank piece of paper (the size you want for your drawing) Step 1: Create a Grid on Your Reference Image Draw a grid on your reference image using a ruler. This grid will break the image down into smaller sections, which makes it easier to maintain proportional accuracy. You can make the squares as large or small as you want—1/2-inch squares work well for most projects. Another option  is to use free image editing software, like GIMP , to place a grid on your reference image. Step 2: Draw a Matching Grid on Your Drawing Paper Now, you’ll draw the same grid on your blank piece of paper. The key is to match the proportions of your reference image as closely as possible. Use the same number of squares  as you d...

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